From the latest SAP S/4HANA for Product Compliance Cloud and Private editions, you can now specify regulatory information for your products in terms of dangerous goods classification, hazard pictograms, signal words and precautionary statements.
Maintain GHS regulatory data in S/4H Product Compliance.
Let’s now take a look at how to use this information to print logistics and regulatory labels using the EUROLABEL label printing solution.
Label Field Catalog: a gateway between S/4HANA Product Complicance and EUROLABEL solutions
Are you wondering how the designer arranges the regulatory and logistical data on his label template and then how EUROLABEL retrieves this data from SAP S/4HANA Product Compliance when it is printed?
SAP and the labeling solution partners have defined a common exchange structure by drawing up a Label Field Catalog. The fields are organised into thematic groups, such as logistical properties, transport data or hazard pictograms, … This Label Field Catalog, available in SAP since January 2022, can be requested by API and is fully integrated in EUROLABEL.
Selection of field from Label Field Catalog in the EUROLABEL template editor.
Label configuration in S/4HANA Product Compliance
A label configuration in Product Compliance reflects the label category of a product (hazard label, transport label, logistics label, etc.) and the related label template. For each label template EUROLABEL provides S/4HANA with the used Label Field Catalog elements.
A label configuration also includes information about the compliance requirements assigned to a label (a compliance requirement in Label Management means the regulatory data for a label).
Label configuration in S/4H Product Compliance
Assigning label configuration to the product
A label assignment refers to all available label configurations for a product and a label category.
When you create a label assignment for a product, you trigger the initialisation of the label data for that product. You can then submit this label assignment for printing to an external labeling system such as our EUROLABEL solution.
Product label configuration assignment
At this stage, the user also sets the languages that will be available on the label depending on the country of production and/or destination.
Printing labels from S/4HANA Product Compliance
The user initiates the print request for his product and a label configuration from the Fiori app Validate and print a label by selecting product, scenario and configuration and then just clicking on the Create a label print request button.
Setting languages for the label
Print labels
Monitoring label print requests from EUROLABEL
Print requests are sent by API to the EUROLABEL solution, which provides users with a tool for monitoring all print requests in progress, completed or with errors. From this screen, an administrator can, for example, perform a preview of the label to validate its design and content.
Label preview from print request
At the latest Co-Innovation session, during which SAP customers were able to test the interaction of S/4HANA Product Compliance Label Management with partner printing solutions, 90% of the surveyed users agreed that EUROLABEL solution exceeded their expectations in terms of usability and features of the label template editor, as well as SAP integration into EUROLABEL. SAT Labeling Session 13-15 Juin 2023
All steps to print your regulatory labels
From the latest SAP S/4HANA for Product Compliance Cloud and Private editions, you can now specify regulatory information for your products in terms of dangerous goods classification, hazard pictograms, signal words and precautionary statements.
Let’s now take a look at how to use this information to print logistics and regulatory labels using the EUROLABEL label printing solution.
Label Field Catalog: a gateway between S/4HANA Product Complicance and EUROLABEL solutions
Are you wondering how the designer arranges the regulatory and logistical data on his label template and then how EUROLABEL retrieves this data from SAP S/4HANA Product Compliance when it is printed?
SAP and the labeling solution partners have defined a common exchange structure by drawing up a Label Field Catalog. The fields are organised into thematic groups, such as logistical properties, transport data or hazard pictograms, … This Label Field Catalog, available in SAP since January 2022, can be requested by API and is fully integrated in EUROLABEL.
Label configuration in S/4HANA Product Compliance
A label configuration in Product Compliance reflects the label category of a product (hazard label, transport label, logistics label, etc.) and the related label template. For each label template EUROLABEL provides S/4HANA with the used Label Field Catalog elements.
A label configuration also includes information about the compliance requirements assigned to a label (a compliance requirement in Label Management means the regulatory data for a label).
Assigning label configuration to the product
A label assignment refers to all available label configurations for a product and a label category.
When you create a label assignment for a product, you trigger the initialisation of the label data for that product. You can then submit this label assignment for printing to an external labeling system such as our EUROLABEL solution.
At this stage, the user also sets the languages that will be available on the label depending on the country of production and/or destination.
Printing labels from S/4HANA Product Compliance
The user initiates the print request for his product and a label configuration from the Fiori app Validate and print a label by selecting product, scenario and configuration and then just clicking on the Create a label print request button.
Monitoring label print requests from EUROLABEL
Print requests are sent by API to the EUROLABEL solution, which provides users with a tool for monitoring all print requests in progress, completed or with errors. From this screen, an administrator can, for example, perform a preview of the label to validate its design and content.
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