ChemGes 56.0 is out !

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  • ChemGes 56.0 is out !
admeuro 1 December 2022 0 Comments

A regulatory resource still up to date

The company DR Software has recently released a new update of the ChemGes solution with a lot of new features and as usual the latest regulatory content confirming once again that legal and data changes are implemented quickly in their leading solution for creating and managing safety data sheets (SDSs), labels, PCNs and IPIs.
ChemGes is used by more than 1,800 customers in 70 countries and combines transport, environmental and safety data to calculate risks and hazards, and quickly and easily author documents in 39 languages according to international standards.

What’s new with ChemGes 56.0 ?

With this update, the amendments of the substances classifications according to the 18th ATP of CLP and for the revisions 8 and 9 of the UN GHS are made available in ChemGes.
This update implements new threshold values for Germany (TRGS 900), Denmark, Canada (BC),Japan, Slovenia, Greece, Australia and Ukraine.
This version 56.0 of ChemGes includes a lot of amendments of national chemical inventories and substance listings ( GADSL, PIC (EU), DPL II (EU), WHC-list (AwSV, Germany), CCA-TS, IARC (USA), TSCA (USA),…) but also incluses news inventories like Japan PRTR23-C1, PRTR23-C2, PRTR23-SC.
Read more about ChemGes: